The weather seemed to be very nice on Sundays, so I decided to go outside and start running at 5am. It is only after riding a fracture that I ride a bicycle outside.
It's scary to run on a time trial bike right away, so this time I tried using a road bike TCR.
Of course, there is no sense of discomfort in the position, but there is pain and anxiety, whether the range of motion of the joint is not sufficient when the right leg is crossed over the top tube, or the hip joint is still inflamed. Once you get on, you shouldn't feel any discomfort.
For the time being, I decided to climb Izumigatake.
Until then, the flat road was 230-250 watts and I was able to run lightly while taking an aero position. I think this is the ability that can be maintained to some extent by indoor training.
After entering the first hill, pedal at 300 watts, 90-100 rpm. After that, it was about 230-250 watts in flat. Was it about 7 minutes 20 seconds at the hot spring? The output is probably low, because the time (almost no wind) is not good for the weather.
After that, it seems that he was stepping on with a good feeling when climbing around 10% of Oizaka. It seems that about 280-300 watts could have been output. However, the subsequent straight climb to the road was stalled all at once and I was wondering if I could get 260 watts or not. I put in a study for about 30 seconds several times, but I still felt uncomfortable in the hip joint and could not fully step on it.
It was barely possible to do the last spurt at about 300 watts after crossing the last road, and the time was just under 24 minutes. Well, I guess it's not recovered yet.
On the way back, I tried to sprint once, but again I had a pain in my hip joint and gave up on the way.
Lastly, I climbed to Chomeigaoka and ran for three minutes. I started at about 270 watts and finally raised it to about 350 watts. I think this was a good feeling.
For the time being, I decided to restart my strength training, which I had been resting for a while. I started the lunge under my own weight.

コメントの投稿 (Atom)
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