On Saturday, I started practicing with a turbo trainer at 5 am.
On this day's menu, 2 minutes 240 watts + 1 minute 263 watts is repeated 4 times for a total of 12 minutes, with a 10-minute rest in between for 3 sets.
It's a good practice to see how much you're returning to in the past week.
I started practicing with great enthusiasm, but I was able to maintain the target value with a margin more than I expected. However, my heart rate had risen to over 150 bpm in the latter half of the set, so I think I was physically stressed enough.
It was good to be able to maintain the aero position during all the sets. Cadence basically kept around 95 rpm.
I did indoor training from 5 am on Sunday. I'm getting used to it. I tried using C4 as a supplement on Saturday, but the drip coffee I drank on this day might have been more awake.
Aside from that, the main menu of the day is raised and lowered between 200 and 225 watts for 15 minutes. Do this 4 sets in 2 minutes rest.
I had to be able to handle this much, but I couldn't clear everything in the aero position, probably because I was tired the day before. On the contrary, if it is less than 200 watts, the load on the arm becomes stronger and it feels like a pain.
Of course, the menu itself was cleared.
However, there seems to be a leak in the electric gear shift of the plama3 due to a problem with the equipment, and if the battery is left attached overnight, it will be completely discharged. I had the same symptoms on this day. I put the tcr battery in the battery charger, but it doesn't shift at all. In other words, it was not charged. I tried spraying a contact recovery agent and refreshed the contact part of the charger, but it was no good. So I ordered it immediately from Amazon and it will arrive on Monday.

コメントの投稿 (Atom)
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