まず、5/27に(今後は朝練をメインにすることにして、5時から練習を開始している)ramp testでFTPを測定することになる。140ワットくらいから開始、160ー180-200ワット、という感じで一分ずつ出力を上げていって、どのくらいまで行けるかを測定する。400ワットくらいまでは、今までであればこなせるはずなのだけど、今回については340ワットでオールアウトした。まあ、TT車両での測定だし、なれない朝での練習だし、そもそも2週間ぶりに負荷をかけたし、ということで案外頑張れたということにしておこう。FTPはとりあえず251ワットに設定したので、明日以降これを基準として頑張っていこう。一ヶ月もあればそこそこ戻るはずである。
First, I left the clinic early on the evening of May 12 to see a dentist. The road surface was slippery with light rain. I was planning to have a party for my second daughter's birthday, so I was on my way home in a hurry, but when I tried to change course at a traffic light change, I slipped over with a grating and fell. At first I thought it was a bruise, but I couldn't get up at all (I was worried about the passerby and the Domino pizza clerk because I fell down in front of the store), but I had my wife come for the time being. After all, I couldn't do anything and had an ambulance call me to take me to my office. CT revealed a femoral neck fracture. On the same day, I had an orthopedic doctor examine me and decided that I should fix the pin instead of the artificial joint because I had a young man's fracture, so I had a hemp operation the next day. Although I had a difficult experience, I was able to be discharged from the hospital 6 days after the operation thanks to the care of the staff in the ward and the people in the rehabilitation department. Currently, walking with a cane is the main thing, but walking for a short time has recovered to the extent possible. It is true that the instability of the hip joint is high and it is still difficult to walk, although this may be due to the incision of the vastus lateralis muscle. He continues to rehabilitate the iliopsoas and gluteus medius muscles.
I have my current wife pick me up for commuting, but in June school and kindergarten will start and I have to make sure that I can drive a car. However, although he didn't get hurt in the play, he keeps annoying his family. I have to give back when I recover.
As for bicycles, there is no particular load limitation, so I think that it would be good for rehabilitation, so I resumed practice with turbo trainers from Sunday. Unexpectedly, I don't feel uncomfortable with the hip joint, but even if I put out about 210 watts, the muscles of the left thigh are tired for some reason. On the right side, it may be possible to maintain unexpected muscle mass due to strength training in rehabilitation.
No matter how I think about it (I don't even know if it will be held in the first place), I can't seem to get out about Niseko in August, or I can't participate in a road race (family-wise), and I fly cleanly. I also canceled the accommodation. Still, I can't keep my motivation if I don't have a race scheduled, so I set the main for the November time trial and re-planned on the trainer road.
First, on 5/27 (I will focus on morning training in the future, and I will start practicing at 5 o'clock), so I will measure FTP with a ramp test. Start at about 140 watts and increase the output by 160-180-200 watts per minute to measure how far you can go. Up to about 400 watts, I should have been able to do so far, but this time I went all out with 340 watts. Well, it was a measurement with a TT vehicle, it was practiced in the morning when I could not get used to it, and the load was applied for the first time in 2 weeks, so let's assume that I was able to do my best. FTP is set to 251 watts for the time being, so let's do our best based on this tomorrow. It should return in a month or so.

コメントの投稿 (Atom)
2021/4/10 4/4からまったく力が入らない、というかハムストリングスの痛みが残って全然出力を維持できないし、火曜日くらいには不整脈も出たりなどで調子が非常に悪かった。木曜日くらいには少し改善はしたのだけど、大事を取って金曜日まで200ワットを出さないくらいで30-45分...
2022/4/25-5/1 レース明けではあったもののそもそも前の週までかなりレストを入れていたので体調は悪くない、はずだと考えて4/25には20分FTPテストを入れてみた。 が、早速頻脈が起きたり、ANTの接続不良(どうやらPCのUSBポートのトラブルだったようだ)だったりで...
2016/6/22 21時過ぎからplasma3でローラー練習を始めた。 数日間の粗食を改めて割りと多めに食事をとったためか、前日よりも頑張れそうな感触。 少し時間がなかったので20分を2セット、レスト5分で。 270ワット台を目標値とした。ケイデンスは90rpm前後とな...
2020/2/12 水曜日、車通勤だったし、案外脚の調子が良さそうだったのでサクッと負荷をかけておこうかと気が変わったのでエミリーズショートミックスにトライ。 最近やや寒さも緩んできた気がする。 アップでは心拍は120bpm弱くらいまで。その後1セット目では案外筋力的にキツ...
2022/4/24 一年半ぶりのレースに出場。実際に外で走ること自体、今年に入って3回目(一回は子供とサイクリング。ポタリングというのが実は30ワットも出ていないことがわかった。もう一回はFTPテストをした後の気分転換で一時間くらい)だった。まあローラーはできる限りしていたので大...
ブログ アーカイブ
- Reinstein/Glassy - TrainerRoad
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- Ramp Test - TrainerRoad
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- Jepson - TrainerRoad
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