On Monday, I would go to Kamenuma again to practice, but I would take four bikes with the top three people. If I try my best, it should be a little over 20 minutes, but it takes about an hour and a half. It's about 30 watts on average, and it's a gravel 7005MK2, so about 20 watts for plasma? Well, I feel that this kind of thing is suitable for cycling.
By the way, I was overtaken five or six times, but maybe I was a friend in the race. It looks like it's finished well.
On Tuesday, my wife couldn't see how much mentally we were, so I took about an hour from 3:00 pm to practice. It was hot and I started by selecting a menu from the schedule that ended in one hour. Trainer road menu called Jepsen. Is it a person's name?
The main puts a burst of about 410 seconds-430 watts for 5 seconds three times in the range of 260-280 watts for 8 minutes. Rest 4 minutes 4 sets. I thought I was recovering a little because I had ingested carbohydrates before going to bed the day before, but I am not feeling well. Although I was able to concentrate for the time being because I took the supplement of the example, my muscle fatigue is not getting rid of easily.
I managed to clear the set value in the first one set, but it became difficult to raise it in the second set, and I reduced the load by about 3%. After that, I was told to take the aero position as instructed, so I tried to bend my elbow as much as possible although the output was low. After that, I was able to maintain the specified value including the dashes.
I wasn't feeling very well, but I was able to maintain my concentration, so I'm glad that I'm okay.
After that, we have a steak and sushi after a long time to celebrate Children's Day. Did he recover by eating Kashiwamochi (Kashiwamochi is common in Kanto and Chimaki seems to be common in Kansai)?
コメントの投稿 (Atom)
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2022/4/24 一年半ぶりのレースに出場。実際に外で走ること自体、今年に入って3回目(一回は子供とサイクリング。ポタリングというのが実は30ワットも出ていないことがわかった。もう一回はFTPテストをした後の気分転換で一時間くらい)だった。まあローラーはできる限りしていたので大...
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