I had a holiday on Friday.
On Saturday, I did indoor training before 5am.
It was cloudy, but the weather forecast didn't tell when it would rain.
The main menu consists of 6 8-minute intervals and 3 minutes rest.
At the beginning of the interval, 520 watts for 12 seconds in heavy gear (cadence a little less than 90 rpm) and then maintain 240 watts-250 watts.
My legs weren't in good shape for the day before, so my heart rate (although I was a bit dehydrated) quickly rose to about 150 bpm. Maybe it's because of high power after a long time.
There was nothing wrong with doing the menu, but I was pretty exhausted with the last set.
After that, I got time until the evening (after seeing my child's morning study), but I didn't have anything else to do because I had no interest in it.
From the beginning of my run I had no strength in my legs and it was very hot and humid so I didn't have the energy to climb hard and I could only climb at a pace where my breathing was not difficult. I didn't even measure the time, but it was probably the worst time since I returned. I mean, if you run for the past few weeks, it feels like it's getting slower, but...
In the first place, there is the problem of whether it is necessary to run in such a condition, but that is a hobby, so I will not think about it.
I sprinted 300 meters in a straight line at the foot three times, wondering if I could do it only with high strength training. Of course, in the latter half, 600 watts was not output, but since the maximum was less than 900 watts, the fractured part may be almost recovered.
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