I had a holiday on Friday.
On Saturday, I first got up at about 4:30 in the morning and went outside with a TCR (road bike). It was a little drizzled, so I run very carefully because there is a traumatic injury from a fall. After all, grating is very scary.
I went to Izumigatake last week. The wind was gentle and easy to run this time. On the straight road at the foot, I kept it at about 230-250 watts.
I wasn't in very good shape, so I tried not to exceed 300 watts as much as possible, especially in the first half so that I didn't raise the cadence too much. It wasn't so bad because it took about 7 minutes and 10 seconds to the hot spring. After that, I basically kept around 85 rpm and 280 watts. In the straight climb before the road, my leg muscles were already sold out last week, but this time it was an improvement that I could sit down and pedal. Maybe I should have been able to drive in a bit more at the end.
As a result, the average of 275 watts was about 23 minutes and 15 seconds, so it was reduced by about 40 seconds from the previous time. I feel like I just remembered how to run, but I don't feel bad.
After returning home and seeing the children's studies, get time until the evening. I was wondering what to do, but it was unexpectedly hobby and the weather was getting better, so I went to Izumigatake again. It's getting quite hot, so I'm sweating.
I used to be able to climb about twice before, but my physical strength hasn't returned to that point, so this time I focused on standing practice. About 90% from Ozaka went up from the saddle and climbed roughly 220-240 watts. I had some discomfort in my hip joint last week, but this week it has improved a lot. Rather, my arm fatigue has accumulated, so I wonder if this is also a practice area.
The time was not so bad and it was about 25 minutes.
After returning home, I was wondering if I could do what I wanted, but while I was washing the car, it was troublesome to go out, so I cooked myself and ended up watching the Pacific Rim at Amazon Prime.
I closed on Sundays and Mondays. I'm not trying too hard.
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