
Zwift - Mat Hayman Paris Roubaix 1

連休最終日ではあるが、特に外に走りに行けるわけでもない。日中、電気屋さんに行って小型のテレビを購入した。ついでにfire TVか、google chromecastでも買おうかと思ったがみな思うことは同じようで品切れであった。入荷は未定らしい。appleTVなら購入できるけれども。
夜、予定されていたtrainerroadのメニューはできる気がしなかったので、ZWIFTのメニューからMat Hayman Paris Roubaix 1を選択した。まず10秒のスプリントを3回から始める。1本目は体が温まっていなかったのか800ワット出るか出ないか程度だったが、2,3本目は900ワット弱は最大値で出せたのでまずまずだろうか。


It's the last day of consecutive holidays, but I can't even go outside. During the day, I went to an electronics store and bought a small TV. I thought I should buy it on fire TV or google chromecast, but all I thought was the same and it was out of stock. It seems that the arrival is undecided. You can buy appleTV though.

For some reason I was so tired that I couldn't use it until the evening. However, I was able to maintain the aspect of the owner of the family by only setting the above TV.

At night, I didn't feel like the trainer road menu was scheduled, so I chose Mat Hayman Paris Roubaix 1 from the ZWIFT menu. First, start the 10-second sprint three times. The first one was about 800 watts or not whether the body was not warm, but the second and third ones were able to put out a little less than 900 watts, so it is reasonable.

This time, I went for 230 watts 20 minutes in the middle stage properly.

The main is 250 watts 2 minutes + 400 watts 10 seconds 6 times, two sets of this. The heart rate was about 140 bpm for the 250 watt part, and about 150 bpm at maximum. There was no arrhythmia. Perhaps it was good to go a little in the first half, or the output was able to maintain the target value until the second half, so it may have been better than I thought.

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